GSM 5000 High Speed Card Personalization System




  • CH4011/I Card Input Buffer for a total of 10 magazines of 500 cards each
    (4 x input, 1 x waiting, 1 x working, 4 x output)
  • Double Card Control
  • Chip Encoding Module for 32 coding stations for memory and processor modules
  • Laser Engraving Station
    Fiber 20W Laser with 2 x turning station (before & after laser) exhaust system
  • Modular Open Universal Personalization Management
    Basic package, Package processor chip, Package processor contact and Laser integration
  • CH4012/O Card Output Buffer for a total of 10 magazines of 500 cards each
    (4 x input, 1 x waiting, 1 x working, 4 x output)
  • Automatic Reject Discharge
  • IC-Module Types: Processor modules T=0, T=1-protocol / Memory cards I2C Bus, T2G (ST), Euro chip family (Siemens) etc.

Total throughput of the system depends on the encoding process
Card handling speed is up to 5000 cards / hour which equals a chip encoding time of 20 seconds

Additional information


Year of manufacturing

Current condition

Sold in 2019

Machine was in use for 18 mil cards